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Jun 12, 2006 - 05:44 AM
Breakfast with Q
It'll still be a while till I can get around to fully resurrecting Cooking with Q (and if ANYONE has some of the old entries saved up somewhere, please let me know), but I figured I'd make a breakfast entry.

I first intended to make a regular breakfast of sandwhich + cereal + juice or something similarly unimaginative, to show what kind of sandwhiches people eat around here, but then I suddenly got a craving for porridge.

So, chocolate porridge it is!

I'll be using grit especially made for chocolate porridge, but this is essentially semolina porridge with chocolate powder in it. God, the english language is so retarded, semolina sounds awful. We call it manna here. MANNA PORRIDGE >=0

Anyway, you'll need milk, semolina and a bit of sugar depending on how sweet you want your porridge. I like sweet porridges, so I use it.

Porridge for two, 5dl of milk and 1dl of semolina (or in my case chocolate semolina)

You'll need one of these for stirring too, or the porridge will burn. Doesn't have to be exactly like this one, but you'll need to be constantly stirring it, you'll be boiling milk after all.

And so, boil the milk. You can add a bit of butter so it doesn't boil over quite so easily, but it will unless you stir it and keep a constant eye on it. If it starts bubbling like mad, take the kettle off the stove immediately.

Once the milk is boiling, add in the semolina (or in my case, chocolate semolina) and stir it well to get it all mixed in well.

Boil it for at least a good 6 minutes, stirring it every now and then so it doesn't grow a skin on top, which is nasty. Once the six minutes is up, check if it's too runny or too thick and apply additional boiling or additional milk when appropriate. If you're using regular semolina, now's a good moment to mix in chocolate powder.
Or you can just skip the chocolate powder and eat the porridge with a piece of butter melting in the middle and lots of sugar <3

I don't really have a choice this time around, so I just add a little sugar and stir it in. Whether you mix the sugar up in the porridge while stirring or just sprinkle it on top when serving it, will make the porridge taste quite different.

And voila. Can be served hot or cold, with or without milk. I ended up adding quite a bit of sugar and milk in mine, and be extra careful because porridge is extremely hot and cools down very slowly, even when blowing on a spoonful. I burned my tongue twice ._.

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