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Mar 30, 2008 - 11:06 PM
Thanks Air Canada
So I had a great vacation in Mexico but the airline lost my baggage on the way back. It's been about two weeks and they still haven't sent me any money or found my bag. I have exactly: 2 t-shirts, 1 pair of underwear, 1 bra, 2 pairs of pants, 1 pair of shoes and a mass of socks and sweaters to get me to whenever they cough up a cheque. I wouldn't be so upset if they would just give me the money they owe me so I can buy more stuff but no, for whatever reason nothing is happening. On top of that, I have approximately4 dollars in my bank account because I haven't been able to work yet so I can't spend the money now and replace it whenever they send it to me. As a result I've been doing my clothes in the laundry every day. And the washing machine needs fixing too! GRAND.

Oh and apparently they're not responsible for losing my 400$ digital camera that was in my bag THAT I USE FOR SCHOOL so I'll either need to beg my parents to buy me a new one, even though we bought the other one last year, or spend all my clothing replacement money getting another one. Damn it.

Currently Playing: Bound Together

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Mar 19, 2008 - 01:56 AM
Back from Mexico
Don't suppose anyone noticed I was gone?


Stayed in this cute little place in Puerto Vallarta called Los Tules, made of about 50 condos that are very 1970s. Learned that I can't handle spanish at all, got horribly ripped off on day one but made most of it back on the last day, ate some very bizarre brands and got a great tan.

Aaaand then I come home to find that Air Canada lost my luggage and even more snow then when I left. SO I have about 6 pieces of clothing to last me until they either find my bag or shell out the 600+$ to replace what was in it and about 12 feet of snow in my driveway. Sometimes I hate this place.

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Feb 19, 2008 - 12:52 AM
It would be far less funny in English
This video kills me for some reason I have yet to figure out. The first part is far more funny then the rest though. Not understanding what he's saying makes it better. Only foreign languages can make childish abuse funny.

EDIT: try this link then? Don't know if it will work any better.

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Jan 9, 2008 - 04:32 AM
2007 - full of boo
Although I doubt anyone will read this. My 2007 was essentially about my having cancer but there are a bunch of answers that have nothing to do with it ;D
1) Was 2007 a good year for you?
That would be a no.

2) What was your favorite moment of the year?
Probably Christmas Day. No relatives around for the first time in 15 years, just my parents and siblings and I. Bliss.

3) What was your least favorite moment of the year?
March - October

4) What are your plans for 2008?
Getting my life back on track. Going back to school, getting a job, becoming more healthy in general.

5) What countries did you visit?
None D:

6) What date in 2007 will remain etched in your memory?
October 18 - I found out I was in remission.

7) What was your biggest achievement(s) of the year?
Beating cancer (but I bet you already guessed that)

8) What was your biggest failure?
Letting my fears get the best of me.

9) Did you suffer any illness or injury?
No. None at all. 100% health.

...except for the cancer.

10) What was the best thing you bought?

11) Who's behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
Josh. He's being such a asshat since about September.

12) Where did most of your money go?
Food. I would say medical bills but through the wonder of Free Medicare and Health Coverage since my dad is a government employee we didn't actually spend as much as we thought we would.

13) What did you get really really really excited about?
Mexico. Even though I'm not going until March 08, I found out I was going in November.

14) What songs will always remind you of 2007?
Crazy - Gnarls Barkley. I listened to it every day of my chemo. Unfortunately now I can't listen to it without getting sick.

15) Compared to this time last year are you:
a) Fatter or thinner? Thinner
b) Happier or sadder? Happier
c) Richer or poorer? Richer

16) What do you wish you'd done more of?
Pretty much anything. I spent a lot of time in bed this year.

17) What do you wish you'd done less of?

18) How did you spend Christmas?
Just the 5 of us, at home doing whatever we wanted. It was awesome.

19) Which GFFer did you meet for the first time?
I never get to meet any GFFers

20) Did you fall in love in 2007?

21) How many one night stands?

22) What was your favourite TV show?
Law and Order. I may be a total dork for admitting it but I watched that show every single day when I was sick and I've become quite attached to it.

23) Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

24) What was/were the best books you read?
The Lies of Locke Lamora

25) What was your greatest musical discovery?
I honestly can't remember. I know it was something stupid though.

26) What did you want and get?
A brand new room. My old one was tiiiny and I could barely move.

27) What did you want and not get?
A job but I need to wait for my last surgery before I can start even looking for one.

28) What was your favourite film this year?
Across the Universe. WAIT - before you tell me how retarded I am for liking a movie that 99% of you listed in the thread about disappointing movies or whatever it was - I liked it because I'm a big Beatles fan. I didn't see it for plot or acting or anything like that. I went in expecting music with pretty colours and good looking boys and it very much delivered on both fronts.

29) What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
I turned 20 and I was sleeping, heavily sedated because the day before was my chemotherapy. Not much fun.

30) What one thing would have made your year more satisfying?
More hair growing back. I don't like being bald. I haven't had hair shorter then my shoulders since I was a baby.

31) How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?
Hmmm, hats and pyjamas doesn't scream "stylish" but it embodies comfort like you would not believe.

32) What kept you sane?
My family.

33) Which celebrity did you fancy the most?
Joe Anderson.

34) Which political issue stirred you the most?
They didn't.

35) Who did you miss?
Simon <3

36) Did you treat somebody badly in 2007?
Don't think so.

37) Did somebody treat you badly in 2007?
Yea, kinda.

38) Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year?
Oh the list is huge. The biggest thing I learned was not to care about what other's thought of me so much.

39) Quote a song lyric that sums up your year...
The only lyrics that really sum up my year are My Chemical Romance lyrics and I'll be damned if I use them in anything ever.

Currently Playing: Come Away With Me - Norah Jones

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Jan 6, 2008 - 12:55 PM

What the hell, how did this happen? How did I miss this? It seems we have a brand new icon every day.

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Dec 25, 2007 - 05:00 PM
For the first time in 15 years it was just the immediate family for Christmas. Nobody but siblings, my parents and I. I loved every second of it. No minding our manners, no "just smile and nod" and no hiding the liquor from my grandmother and aunt. The best is yet to come though, dinner is going to be amazing.

So far I've received a really nice set of shot glasses, a Dave Barry book, two books I already had=Chapters money, Letters From Iwo Jima DVD and a page a day calendar of Shakespearean insults. I also got socks but we always get socks at Christmas so it's not a bad thing to me, it's kind of a tradition in my family. But they're not just boring socks, they're fancy. We're not done opening our gifts yet. Ever since my oldest brother's first christmas when he opened everything at once my parents decided to space out the gifts so we could enjoy what we opened before we got everything. Hated it when I was little, I can appreciate the reasons now though.

Merry Christmas GFF

Currently Playing: Vince Guaraldi - A Charlie Brown Christmas

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Dec 20, 2007 - 04:10 PM
This is bullshit
I've been trying to get registered back into school where I left off when I was diagnosed. I had to drop out about 3 weeks before exams and I was told at the time I'd have to redo the semester. That sucked to hear but I wasn't really in any place to complain so I had to deal with that. I went back into the school to try and find out when to register for the winter semester today (because for some reason our semesters are only offered once a year) and my program director tells me he wants me to redo my entire first year again. Not only that but I have to pay for it again too. This is balls.

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Nov 18, 2007 - 06:41 PM
I didn't even remember I had half these songs
Seemed like a good idea at the time so I thought I'd give it a shot. Some of the match ups even seem kinda funny despite being completely wrong. Still worth it.

Waking Up: Wait and See - Great Big Sea
First Day At School: Take it Back - Barenaked Ladies
Falling In Love: Why don't we do it in the road? - The Beatles
Fight Song: Bang Bang to the Rock'n'Roll - Gavin
Breaking Up: Bottle of Booze - Arrogant Worms
Prom: Who Are You? - Nobuo Uematsu
Life's Just...: Solid Gold Easy Action - The Fratellis
Mental Breakdown: You Spin Me Round - Dead or Alive
Driving: Le Disko - Shiny Toy Guns
Flashback: Time is Running Out - Muse
Getting Back Together: Sound of Your Voice - Barenaked Ladies
Birth of Child: Julia - The Beatles
Wedding: I want you (She's So Heavy) - The Beatles
Final Battle: Kefka's Theme - Nobuo Uematsu
Death Scene: Gulf War Song - Moxy Fruvous
Funeral Song: Stuck in the Middle With You - Steelers Wheel
End Credits: Headlock - Imogen Heap

It all seemed at least a little bit appropriate until my funeral song turned out to be Stuck in the middle with you :/

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Nov 14, 2007 - 10:51 PM
K, seeing as I clearly failed in keeping the whole "cancer" thing quiet, I can talk about it and the repercussions in here. Making a thread about it would bring far to much attention to myself.

I am bored to DEATH. I can't work, I can't go to school, I can't participate in sports and I can't spend my time with friends because they're all out doing the things that I can't. Or being with their girlfriend - but that's for a different journal entry :/

Now, before you jump in with how lucky I am for not having homework, responsibilities or commitments that come with school/a job to deal with, keep in mind that it's not that I won't do any of these things, it's that I can't. I was already a very lazy person, lazy and fairly unmotivated but even then I would get restless every now and then and go out with friends or have a hockey game or something to do that would get me out of the house and moving...or something. Also, sitting around doing nothing for a little while in between classes/shifts is entirely different from lying in bed for 9 months+. I only stopped chemotherapy a little over a month ago and I have neither the energy nor the stamina to do any of the things I want to do. I can only ever be out of the house for about 3 hours at a time before I get tired and useless and need a nap.

So I guess in conclusion....entertain me.


Currently Playing: Jeopardy

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Nov 12, 2007 - 01:48 AM
Been a while.
So considering this Southern Rebel stuff is going on in the forums, I figured making a whole thread about myself would be pointless since everyone's attention would be elsewhere anyhow. That being said, I doubt anyone remembers who I am in the first place. I vanished about a year or so ago when I got sick and didn't feel like GFFing anymore. But I'm back...sorta. I am - in the sense that I'm not sure weather I'm actually going to post a whole lot. We'll see.

Currently Playing: TV

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