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Angel of Light Nov 27, 2009 12:04 AM

Over-Rated SNES Games
I'm a retro-gamer, there is nothing really too surprising about that. About a year ago I created a thread talking about what people though were some very under-rated games from the snes. This time around, I would like to turn the argument the other way.

From my personal opinion, I think its easier to pick games that are under-rated games, compared to games that are over-rated because over-rated games are definitely fun to play but there are always a variety of factors that can make people like them for the wrong reasons.

As I said before, you know I consider the SNES one of the best systems, just because of the extensive line-up of great games. Despite all the great games that the SNES has, do you feel there are great games that you feel may not deserve as much credit as what other people make them out to be.

I think it would make an interesting topic because I think some of us will probably list games that other members think they are great in every possible way.

Here is a game that I feel is a little over-rated:

1.) Super Mario RPG: Legend of the 7 Stars

I am bringing a whole bunch of hatred on myself. It is a fun game, don't get me wrong, but I know a lot of people that will list this game as the best rpg on the snes, and that is just a statement I can't accept when you have games such as Final Fantasy III (VI) and Chrono Trigger. This game isn't even in my top 5 rpg's for the SNES. Maybe one of the reasons why a lot of people like this game, is that it is the first rpg game for Mario (as far as I know), by all means it has excellent gameplay, a good soundtrack, and a nice amount of fun factor to it that added to people's enjoyment of it. I'll be honest I enjoyed the game, even though I found it a little too easy, but its just a game that I think is completely over-rated, compared to all the other great rpg's for the SNES. I would put this game as an above average rpg.

To the GFF community, what do you feel are snes games that are over-rated and by all means explain why?

Wall Feces Nov 27, 2009 12:31 AM

I'm going to get raped by the hatecock for sure, but only one game comes to mind when this topic is brought up - Earthbound.

As blasphemous as that may sound, I think my reasons for not liking it so much when I first played it are sound - I was 10 years old, and I didn't know shit about shit. I enjoyed Rise of the Robots, for fuck's sake. As for Earthbound, I enjoyed the gameplay for the most part, but frankly I didn't see what the big deal was. I got probably a little less than halfway through before I hung it up, and that was that.

Since I've gotten older and wiser, I've been wanting to give it a decent shot since its reputation is as legendary as it gets, and I hate not being able to comprehend why. When I do go through it again, I will be sure to take my time and soak it all in before I render my final verdict.

Worm Nov 27, 2009 01:44 AM

Gotta be Secret of Mana. Game's pretty great in a lot of ways, but even when I was younger I didn't understand the high praise.

At first it's all cool when you're wandering around, slicing up rabites, and getting shot out of cannons, but you end up trudging through some extremely boring palaces with drab and repetitive tile work. Find enemy. Switch between characters and chain-slap it to death. Step on a button. Go to the next identical-looking room.

The battle system is poorly thought out (dodgy hit detection means higher charge attacks are never worthwhile; spell stacking = easy victory).

Yeah, the game has a couple classic songs. It also has a lot of unmemorable ones and some that are downright grating, all with tinny instrumentation that's far below average for the SNES.

The best parts of the game are when you're flying around on Flammie and finding neat places to explore, but there's just not enough of it. Every time I try to go back and replay it, I just give up and put in a Zelda game instead.

Tails Nov 27, 2009 02:52 AM

If I had to be entirely honest about it, I'd say the most overrated SNES game I've ever seen is Halo: Combat Evolved. I mean, who are they kidding. First off, the XBOX is a a huge piece of shit that probably runs off Windows ME and the controller is the worst Dreamcast ripoff ever.

The game is also pretty fucking unoriginal. Oh shit, you're some super dude who has to fight aliens in space. Halo? I liked it better when it was called Starship Troopers. Second, the music wasn't even good. It was just some dudes chanting over a bunch of drums. What is this, Africa?

Everyone says the multi-player was the real selling point, but it felt like a cheap Goldeneye, only without the paper fans or Oddjob. Or the part about being good. You basically ran around all day and hid behind rocks for thirty minutes while waiting for your gay ass shields to recharge. Might as well just fucking play Call of Duty.

Basically Halo is the worst SNES game I've ever played in my life.

valiant Nov 27, 2009 03:14 AM


Damn right this game was fucking awesome. So awesome that I got the port for the DS.

Infernal Monkey Nov 27, 2009 03:51 AM

It's gotta be California Games II. I remember when this came out, all the magazines were like "GAME OF THE YEAR?", and then two months later I'd flip to their mailbags and readers had replied with "YEAH IT IS". The perfect scores kept rolling in, you had to book in advance at video stores to rent it out for the weekend, and even then the waiting list was backed up for months.

A California Games II cartoon came about, it won 17 emmy awards, a gimmick band formed with their chart topping hit "California Games II is cool you should buy it come on now dance". It was a fucking nightmare. Every front page of every newspaper mentioned California Games II, 60 Minutes did a 90 minute special about the events.

"This one has hang gliding" they'd say to the developer, who was dressed up like royalty. He would simply nod his head in response. "That wasn't in the first one, what was going through your head when you made this heroic decision?" The developer would then just laugh right into the camera, for 87 minutes. This episode was soon released on VHS and caused a worldwide shortage of plastic to make the tapes.

It's just gotten worse thanks to the internet. You see all these stupid goons having a huge toss about how good it was. "Urr hurr, California Games II was the best Super Nintendo game ever, I loved the character development with the jet ski".

"I remember when I got a game over after falling off my skateboard on the half pipe, that was a huge plot twist! The true-to-life 3D Mode 7 graphics were even better than my grandma!"

I mean, yeah, California Games II was okay, but wow, the way everyone goes on about it you'd think it was the best game ever made.

http://i46.tinypic.com/2v92k9f.gif http://i47.tinypic.com/29c3137.gif

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Nov 27, 2009 04:36 AM

For me it'd be all the Mario platformers. I've never been a huge platform game fan anyway but I've never got into Mario. The annoying inertia, music that rattles around your head on it's 20 second loop for weeks on end, retarded looking main character and complete vacuum of plot all add up to in my mind, a mediocre game.

I guess if I was a bit younger and had grown up with SNES then I might like it more but as a kid I was much more into proper computers, espescially the Amiga, which had much, much better platformers in my opinion.

Krelian Nov 27, 2009 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Angel Of Light
1.) Super Mario RPG: Legend of the 7 Stars

I don't know what the fuck here. Nobody gives a toss about Mario RPG, so how could it be considered overrated? The game gets shit-all attention these days. If anything you should be considering it correctly-rated by your standards.


Originally Posted by sprouticus
I got probably a little less than halfway through before I hung it up, and that was that.

This explains absolutely everything. TRY IT THE FUCK AGAIN and don't pussy out this time. 50% of Earthbound's excellence occurs in the second half of the game, and you missed it all! :(

ANYWAY I would like to say that while I consider Secret of Mana super fucking awesome I do think that it rather overshadows its superior sequel. Yes.

Talbain Nov 27, 2009 07:49 AM

I'd have to say that I never quite wrapped my head around Earthworm Jim:


I mean, it's funny and wacky but the SNES had a ton of better platformers in it's time. EJ also has a habit of trying too hard to be edgy or funny. The character itself seemed to hold up well, considering the time it was released would likely be around when even soda had their own edgy characters (Spot, Fido Dido). It seemed like an opportunity to generate some IP while remaking Disney's Aladdin, which came out about a year earlier. Overall, it was an OK game but not deserving of the heaps of accolades people pile on it from time to time.

Please don't hate me...

Infernal Monkey Nov 27, 2009 08:48 AM

You've broken my heart, Talbain.

It's broken.

Wall Feces Nov 27, 2009 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Krelian (Post 734766)
ANYWAY I would like to say that while I consider Secret of Mana super fucking awesome I do think that it rather overshadows its superior sequel. Yes.

By this do you mean Secret of Evermore or Seiken Densetsu 3? Evermore was ok, but SD3 was a fucking MASTERPIECE.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 27, 2009 11:34 AM

Super Star Wars


I'm sorry but this game is just too fucking hard, even more so than its sequels. A lot of people like it A LOT - because its Star Wars? Bragging rights? Who knows - and I did give it a damn good try but this shit was just too fucking much - and I beat SW and ESB on the NES (which was no easy task, I'll tell you).

Krelian Nov 27, 2009 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by sprouticus (Post 734788)
By this do you mean Secret of Evermore or Seiken Densetsu 3? Evermore was ok, but SD3 was a fucking MASTERPIECE.

Evermore didn't grab me at any point. Cute game, but I played it through and didn't see the fuss. SD3, on the other hand, is among my favourite games on the console. Fucking shame it never got properly released in the west.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 27, 2009 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by LeHah (Post 734789)
Super Star Wars

Everyone who props this sucks at video games.

Paco Nov 27, 2009 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Worm (Post 734745)
Gotta be Secret of Evermore.

There. I have fixed your blasphemous statement.


Originally Posted by LeHah (Post 734789)
Super Star Wars

Just because it was tough didn't mean it sucked. It was a solid platformer that was worth every ounce of its replay value.

i am good at jokes Nov 27, 2009 02:51 PM

I remember having played Super Star Wars to death many years ago and thoroughly enjoying it. After replaying it some months back though I found that it had not aged very well. The thing about this game was that it was hard for the wrong reasons.

The collision detection was so skewered that it meant every single jump, even over that most benign of precipices, had the potential to bring you all the way back down and force you to redo an entire section of precariously placed platforms or, god forbid, lose one of your very limited number of lives. Hence, repetition was rewarded more than skill to an extent that made the game more frustrating than enjoyable. The enemies pushing you back like crazy every time you touched one of them didn't help much either.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 27, 2009 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Encephalon (Post 734799)
There. I have fixed your blasphemous statement.

How in the world do you figure Secret of Evermore is overrated? I think I've heard about a dozen people praise it in my whole life, which is a shame because it's not a bad game. If anything, it's pretty underrated.

Talbain Nov 27, 2009 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Infernal Monkey (Post 734778)
You've broken my heart, Talbain.

It's broken.

I should look around more for collateral damage before I bring the big guns next time. :(

But at least you care enough for me to break your heart in the first place. I KNOW I WAS YOU FREDO. :tpg:

Paco Nov 27, 2009 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Axelrod :punch: Axelrod (Post 734836)
How in the world do you figure Secret of Evermore is overrated?

Because it was. I was never a fan of that retarded alchemy system and, really, that exact same system was glorified ad poena in FFXII with that retarded license system and is the one thing that turned me off of that game in the first place. Yeah, it's a good game but I know a lot of people who praise it's one of the greatest RPGs on the SNES when, to me, it's anything but. Don't get take me too seriously on this though because I'm kind of a douche about this; I still think Chrono Trigger is the best RPG ever made.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 27, 2009 10:46 PM

If you think Evermore is overrated, you really need to get outside this site more. You know, to the real world, where 90% of those people who have heard of Evermore loathe it for having the gall to subvert Seiken Densetsu 3.

The unmovable stubborn Nov 27, 2009 10:50 PM

The Real World, where people actually care about Seiken Densetsu 3

Lyth Nov 27, 2009 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Encephalon (Post 734840)
I still think Chrono Trigger is the best RPG ever made.

As well as you should pretty much. Chrono Trigger was absolutely amazing. Chrono Trigger is almost at the top of my list for " BEST RPG EVARRRR " only beat out by Shining Force I & II, and closely rivaled by Lunar: The Silver Star, Star Ocean: The Second Story, and Earthbound.

As for over-rated SNES games, I WOULD say Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts, but that may just because I have a deep hatred for the ridiculous difficulty of that game ( which strangely is the only reason I take the time to play it every now and then ) So, I'm going to say Donkey Kong Country. I liked the sequels, and DID have fun with this game, but overall, it wasn't really as great as some seem to think.

No. Hard Pass. Nov 27, 2009 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Pangalin (Post 734845)
The Real World, where people actually care about Seiken Densetsu 3

Ok, yes, snark registered and well deserved.

I restate. Talk with gamers at sites outside of gamingforce (neoGAF, gameFAQs etc) or in person and you will largely see nothing but ire aimed at SoE.

Paco Nov 27, 2009 11:24 PM

To be fair, those sites also worship everything their mother sites herald as "great" so it's really little more than mob mentality at this point. I'm just talking about people I personally know who played that game when I spew out my references; though, clearly, you are not one of them.

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