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Karasu Aug 25, 2007 10:17 AM

Alien vs. Predator: Requiem

[Trailer for 18yrs and up so, just an FYI]

I know I could be crucified for saying this, but after seeing the trailer of this on IGN.com, I must say...it looks pretty good. Its as if they brought back the...essence and fear of the Aliens and the brutality and originality of the Predators. Perhaps because Paul Anderson isn't on the movie, it's better? I'm not sure, but you guys should check out the trailer, it looks like a dark horse to me.

Wall Feces Aug 25, 2007 11:34 AM

The trailer definitely seems to capture both franchises better than the first PG-13 trainwreck. The best part about it is that I no longer need to waste $9.75 to see it since I've now already seen all the good shit. Hooray for piss-terrible advertising!

Freelance Aug 25, 2007 11:54 AM

Damn, it looks far better than the first movie...great stuff. The problem is, it seems like all the good scenes have been thrown into the trailer, spoiling everything. Bah!

Gotta love Aliens.

Jochie Aug 25, 2007 02:23 PM

It doesn't look bad at all. I was hoping for the next AVP movie to be like the novels I read a long time ago, though. It would have been cool to see the predators' home planet, and it seemed like the last AVP was setting it up so that the female lead could be the human scientist living with the predators. Am I even remembering those books correctly? There was a lady living with them, right? I was excited by the cliffhanger at the end of the last AVP, too, when the SPOILER ALERT ALL PERSONNEL REPORT TO THE LOADING DOCK predator had an alien inside it on the way back to the home planet.

WolfDemon Aug 25, 2007 03:53 PM

It does look a hell of a lot better than the first one. It seems like it's disregarding it altogether. Definitely good news that Anderson's not at the helm this time. Although, the trailer does give away an awful lot. Anyone who remembers faces really well will know exactly who will die and when. The whole "Requiem" thing is sort of cheesy though. Are they trying to make AvP sound deep and sophisticated or something? Either way, I'll probably check it out when it's released.

Tagonist Aug 25, 2007 07:30 PM

I've always wondered, why the fuck isn't AvP based on the Aliens movies rather than on the Predators? Alien is the much stronger IP IMO.
So why do we get what is basically a bad version of Predator 3 and 4 (now with Aliens) when we could have a (hopefully good) alternate Alien 3 (now with Predators)?
I mean... Like the AvP games of recent years for the PC - especially the astonishing AvP 2 by Monolith.
That said, this one does indeed look promising. Yes, it seems we don't have to watch it in theaters as the trailer gives away a lot. But maybe that was necessary after the shithole Anderson created.

And... You DO realize that the acronym "AvP-R" is telling a lot about the movie...? ;)

Robo Jesus Aug 25, 2007 07:55 PM

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guyinrubbersuit Aug 25, 2007 10:42 PM

That looked pretty awesome. Already that trailer was better than the mess that was AvP.

Matt Aug 26, 2007 11:58 AM

I refuse to go see any more shitty Alien movies that take place during the present day. They're not only bad, but they essentially spit on the franchise's face by saying "Hey, that whole Alien movie had it wrong! The first discovery of that new species was hundreds of years before Ripley and her crew..and it was on Earth! Imagine that! Gosh that's crazy!"

What they needed to do was to make the movie based somewhat on the comic. At least that had it right, with the space marines (and motion detector awesomeness), the predators (wickedly bad), and the aliens (brutal bastards).
Somebody call Dark Horse and tell them to get a film division going so they can do it right.

So yeah. Fuck this movie.

Megalith Aug 26, 2007 07:34 PM

Is it just me or is that a female Predator. Just too sleek looking to be a male.

I also agree that an AvP movie set in the future would be better, because it'd be more amusing to see humans getting owned even with all the futuristic weapons that they would have with them.

Oh well, shit just got real after I saw the classic AvP logo.

S_K Aug 30, 2007 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Robo Jesus (Post 494992)
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Quoted because it was my first reaction to the news. let's be honest guys this along with epics like Freddy vs Jason and wolverine the movie Xmen 3 are the result of hollywood listening too much to the fanboys. Going by the trailer this looks less like a fan fiction then the first movie on the surface, but that just seems to have been replaced by more cg mortal kombat like blood moments. It's a typical crowd pleaser I suppose, but personally I'll leave it down to the suspense the movie creates before I write it off completly.

jouhou Sep 3, 2007 08:44 PM

I saw the first AvP and I was disappointed but the trailer for AvP:R shows exactly what I wanted to see in AvP, an all out freaking three way war. Not double team bullshit with a weak attempted story. I never expected AvP to have a story and I don't need one. "Alien ship crashes, it's go time!" For these kind of movies, sometimes it's that simple just make sure the action is good and there.

I think the Alien movies leaned more on story and the Predator movies leaned more on hardcore battle.
So maybe AvP is the story approach and AvP:R is the action approach.

Megalith Dec 13, 2007 04:59 PM

Wow, this is a must-see. Check out the first 5 minutes:

First 5 Minutes of Aliens Vs Predator: Requim Online!

The Predalien is in fact, female, and takes the place of the Alien Queen.

Also, the Predator home world is perfect. It's practically land of the apocalypse. I like how the Predator walks up to a wall of masks.

"Time to fuck someone up."

Zeal Dec 15, 2007 02:15 AM

this looks absolutely fantastic.

it was perfect. i have zero complaints.

EDIT: oh damn, it turns out the music used on the predator homeworld was just filler. i really hope the classic predator theme is kept, as it added a layer of nostalgic authenticity. also loving the art design and digital matte.

wonder who did the effects.

WolfDemon Dec 15, 2007 04:12 AM

Huh. I was under the impression that this movie had absolutely nothing to do with the first movie, but it seems to be a direct follow-up, judging from them showing the bit from the end with the chest bursting predalien. I really hope the bitch from the first movie doesn't show up all like, "I KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH THEM LET'S GROUP WITH PREDS LOL."

Cyrus XIII Dec 15, 2007 09:36 AM

My guess is, that it will have about as much to do with the first AvP as Alien 3 had with Aliens, minus Ripley. And if they are really clever, they cut all obvious ties by not mentioning the previous events at all so that the story could just as well revolve around a Pred ship that got infected in space.

Karasu Dec 16, 2007 01:36 AM

Since this sequel takes place in the same universe as the first AVP, no one on earth is aware of what happened in the arctic just yet. The predator's ship just left the planet which is when the Predalien comes out, and that in turn makes the new film. So there's really no time gap, it happens right after the first AVP.

The GreyFox Dec 26, 2007 12:36 PM

The first 45 minutes will probably make you yawn but I'm telling you the rest of the film after the buildup will be worth the wait. This was alot better than the first film. None of this superarmor Predator crap, no weird looking fight scenes with the Predator and Xenomorphs (looked rather silly in the first if you ask me) and this film pretty much lets lose with the violence and gore. Hell, there is even music from both franchises used in this film. This was a better attempt at merging both franchises together.

Infected Dec 26, 2007 12:48 PM

It looks pretty cool ^^
I did like the first one but to me it was lacking something...Maybe more gore and violence I dont know.
But I cant wait for Requiem

WolfDemon Dec 26, 2007 01:51 PM

What a shitty movie. Not as bad as the first, but still pretty bad. All the fight scenes with the Predator and Aliens were so dark and foggy you could barely see anything. Also, they seemed to forget numerous times that the Aliens' blood is FUCKING ACID.
One guy, (who somehow figured out how to use the Predator's gun) blew apart an Alien that was right above him, but I guess he just happened to dodge the blood spray from a foot away. And in the last fight between the Predator and Predalien, the latter got its second head thing ripped off, spewing apparently non-acid blood all over the Predator.

Best line in the movie: "Get to the chopper."

The GreyFox Dec 26, 2007 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by WolfDemon (Post 557470)
One guy, (who somehow figured out how to use the Predator's gun) blew apart an Alien that was right above him, but I guess he just happened to dodge the blood spray from a foot away. And in the last fight between the Predator and Predalien, the latter got its second head thing ripped off, spewing apparently non-acid blood all over the Predator.

The Predator is immune to Xenomorph blood. As for the human not being sprayed with acid I'm not sure on that one, but perhaps it is explainable.

Nintendonomicon Dec 26, 2007 05:50 PM

Bloody-Disgusting.com has a review up and ready.


After the abysmal AVP I figured nothing could be worse, so I was pretty pumped to give this one a chance. Unfortunately when the film was over I was perplexed at how terrible the film was... it's almost as if it was done on purpose. How can a movie be this bad - AGAIN?

kainlightwind Dec 26, 2007 06:16 PM

You may have just called this "Aliens: The spinoff". Not an impressive movie at all.

Hantei Dec 27, 2007 02:21 AM

Saw this on Christmas day, didn't really like it all too much either.

I really hated how they failed to explain why the pred ship was still orbiting around the earth and how the friggin Predalien matured in like a minute. Also how they implied that it was just the two preds on the craft too, would have been nice if that elder pred at least made an appearance. Sending in just the one pred to contain the situation was kinda lame too, I was expecting more than the one.

Other than that, I liked that technology the pred was using to dispose of the evidence (that blue acidic-like substance). And how there was, like, an all out infestation of a city. Bleh, didn't really like how the hybrid was really more alien than pred, but then again what made the pred's really stand out was their technology.

Megalith Dec 27, 2007 04:43 PM

If it's really as bad as everyone says it is, then the directors deserve to be hanged.

They seemed to spend all day slamming the first AVP, and went on about how much they respected the franchises, and would make a superior film.

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