Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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nuttyturnip May 20, 2009 02:54 PM

GFF Risk 11: Atomic Safari
Game over: I win!

Same rules as game 10. By my count, there are 21 unclaimed countries, so each player may annex 1 additional country on their first turn. That will leave 10 unclaimed countries in Round 2, which can be acquired by attacking them as if they belonged to another player.

Please take your turn within 24 hours, or let us know that you'll be delayed. If you take longer than 24 hours without telling anyone of your whereabouts, then the next person may take their turn. Once the next person takes their turn, you forfeit your turn.

The rules for any newcomers:
-You may do any or all of the follow during your turn, in any order:
1. Attack neighboring countries using dice up to 4 times
2. Purchase and use items as many times as you want, until you run out of money
3. Annex 1 unowned country (first day only)
4. Trade countries with another player (with their posted agreement)
-You gain 1 gil for each territory acquired (by annexing, attack, or item use), and 1 gil each time an attack against you fails.
-If you deal a killing blow to an opponent (take their last territory), except in the first round, you acquire all of their remaining gil and items.
-Alliances with other players (secret or not) are perfectly fine (and often the key to victory)
-Countries may be traded with other players (both must post in the thread, and the trade takes place during one of their turns).
-Warlord status is achieved if you begin your turn in ownership of 9 adjoining countries. If by some miracle you obtain this, you may take 5 gil from each player that touches your Warlord states.
-Each player starts with 0 gil, 1 Tank, and 1 Energy Boost (see Arms Dealer list below for descriptions).
-You may only attack states adjacent to your territory (lines are drawn on the map to indicate adjacency)
-When attacking, label your dice roll with the country (see example roll in first post). Roll a 1d10; 1-5 means you fail, 6-10 means you are successful.
-Items can be used to attack anywhere, except Tanks (doesn’t have to touch your countries).
-Not counting the first round, everyone gets 5 gil added to their account at the beginning of each round.
-No one can be wiped out on the first round. If someone enters the second round with no territory, they may still have a turn.

Arms Dealer List:
(10) Tanks: Take over one country on the map that touches one of your states.
(15) Energy Boost: Gain 2 extra attacks for the day.
(20) Ninjas: Roll again on each of your attacks if they fail the first time.
(25) Blitzkrieg: Conquer 2 adjoining territories.
(30) Atomic Bomb: Take over at least 1 country, with the possibility of taking up to 3 more adjoining countries. When using this item, roll a 1d4 die; the number you roll is the number of countries you take over.
(35) Death Ray: Conquer 3 adjoining territories at once.

I can only update the map when I’m at home, so your best tool for keeping track of who owns what is by using the linked spreadsheet. I’ll try to update that after each turn, unless it’s the middle of the night.

Chart of who owns what, gil, and items

Last updated at the end of the game

Plarom May 20, 2009 06:29 PM

Ya know, all day I was thinking, "I hope I don't have the first turn today. Naaaaah, it's never happened before," and sure enough. My bad, as I've been running around all day and just now got back home.

And.. Didn't I say brown? Initially I was thinking that I'd choose yellow, but upon noticing my native color wasn't taken, I decided to go with that instead.

Annexing Zambia, attacking the Republic of Congo, Botswana, and South Africa.

(Totally going after Republic of Congo, again)

nuttyturnip May 20, 2009 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Plarom (Post 703009)
And.. Didn't I say brown? Initially I was thinking that I'd choose yellow, but upon noticing my native color wasn't taken, I decided to go with that instead.

Yes, you're right. Damn these new glasses! I've made the correction.

Krelian May 21, 2009 11:37 AM

Annexing Niger.

Attacking Algeria.



Attacking Morocco.

Araes May 21, 2009 05:42 PM

Annexing Gambia

Attacking Seirra Leone (fail)

Attacking Seirra Leone again (success)

Attacking Liberia (success)

Tanks à la Côte d'Ivoire

(Sorry Helloween...)

Yeldarb May 21, 2009 06:11 PM

First Turn
Alrighty then, let us see how i do after this long hiatus.

Annexing Somalia

Attacking Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea, and Uganda

Ah, perhaps I should read the rules more often. I assume that would be a penalty and a loss of my attack, so I'd be content if that was your decision since I was being scatterbrained.

nuttyturnip May 21, 2009 06:50 PM

Araes: Why did you use Tanks on the Ivory Coast when you still had one attack left? Too late now.

Yeldarb: You annexed Somalia, which borders Djibouti, so your attack on that country was legal. Tritoch gets 1 gil for defending it.

The Plane Is A Tiger May 21, 2009 06:52 PM

Honestly now, I helped you out with your question and you went and attacked both of my remaining countries? You shall feel the unbridled fury of a Djiboutian scorned, Yeldarb.

Also, petitioning to invalidate Plarom's attack on the basis that he didn't conquer the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Araes May 21, 2009 07:15 PM

I have no idea why I did that... I guess I thought we only got three for some reason. Guess its just a first round of being scatterbrained.

Helloween May 21, 2009 11:36 PM

It's good to see that this game's consistent. I remember now why i quit playing this game. I believe this is the third game where i've been very thoroughly routed in the first round. Oh well. I guess i'll keep struggling until everyone just happens to kill me again,

nuttyturnip May 22, 2009 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Helloween (Post 703263)
It's good to see that this game's consistent. I remember now why i quit playing this game. I believe this is the third game where i've been very thoroughly routed in the first round. Oh well. I guess i'll keep struggling until everyone just happens to kill me again,

Thoroughly routed? You haven't even taken a turn yet, and half the players are in the same boat. Once your turn comes around, you'll get an automatic 1 country, plus up to 6 attacks and a Tank to counter things. It's always rough going at the beginning, but that doesn't mean anything. A certain person was in last place after the first round of Risk 9, but he went on to win in a spectacular (and some would say morally ambiguous) victory.

Ballpark Frank May 22, 2009 01:02 PM

Annexing Kenya, attacking Somalia, Ethiopia (twice), and Uganda.

nuttyturnip May 22, 2009 01:50 PM

The Brown Menace must be stopped. I urge all those who are able to take up arms against Plarom and his campaign of ethnic cleansing!

Annexing Lesotho. Attacking South Africa, Botswana x2, and Mozambique.

You may have won this round, but enemies are everywhere.

Rockgamer May 22, 2009 08:38 PM

Annexing Mauritania, and attacking Morocco.

Next is Algeria.

Finally, Tunisia.

Helloween May 23, 2009 12:12 AM

Annexing Mali

Attacking Guinea

Attacking Ivory Coast

Attacking Mauritania

Attacking Guinea Again!

And regarding my little bitch fest before, that's all it was. I was feeling a little annoyed in general that day.

The Plane Is A Tiger May 23, 2009 05:27 AM

Alright, before I can actually take my turn I'm trading Djibouti to Frank in exchange for Uganda. I'll make my moves once he posts here to confirm it.

EDIT: Okay, Nutty said it was fine to just forward him the PM agreement in order to move things forward. First up I'm attacking the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Next I'll attack Zambia.

Now for some further revenge in Sudan. Once more against Sudan.

And finally, I'll annex Rwanda.

nuttyturnip May 23, 2009 03:51 PM

Bumping to confirm the time of Tritoch's turn, and confirming the PM.

knkwzrd May 23, 2009 07:06 PM

Annexing Benin

Attack Central African Republic

Attack Libya

Again with Libya

And then Niger


Attack Egypt

Attack Egypt again.


nuttyturnip May 23, 2009 08:00 PM

Just to clarify the situation re: Yeldarb since this hasn't come up before:

Originally Posted by Rules
-No one can be wiped out on the first round. If someone enters the second round with no territory, they may still have a turn.

Yeldarb will still get his turn in the second round. Anyone who loses everything after the second round (Plarom's turn) begins, they're out for good.

nuttyturnip May 24, 2009 09:07 PM

Hawkeye's 24 hours was up 2 hours ago, so Plarom can go whenever.

Note that if Plarom goes first, everyone has an additional 5 gil, since it's the start of a new round.

nuttyturnip May 25, 2009 09:26 PM

We've now entered Day 3 with no action, which means it's now Krelian's turn. Or you know, whatever.

The Plane Is A Tiger May 25, 2009 09:30 PM

I remember Plarom saying something about visiting a friend at a raceway (though not the Emo Speedway) today, so he's probably still off on his adventure. Of course, he was also incredibly drunk while discussing that last night, so who knows. The important thing is that this makes him far easier to destroy than I'd anticipated.

Scent of a Grundle May 25, 2009 11:40 PM

Oh wow, still my turn. Sorry everyone, the 2 to 3 business days that it was supposed to take to fix my lappy are approaching two weeks. It's a good thing I'm not paying for it.

Annexing Equitorial Guinea.

Attacking Chad

Attacking Central African Republic

Attacking Cameroon

Attacking Nigeria

My best first turn yet.

Plarom May 26, 2009 12:46 AM

I lost a day of my life. I don't have an excuse, but I'm sorry nonetheless!

Are we allowed annex countries past the first turn? (If so, Tanzania)

Attacks on, South Africa, Namibia, and Zambia. Aaaand lets go with South Africa again.

Krelian May 26, 2009 06:47 AM

Yeesh, I'm boned. :(

Attacking Sudan.

Attacking Egypt.

Attacking Libya.

Attacking Ethiopia.

Using energy boost.

Attacking Ethiopia.

And again.

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