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LZ Jun 21, 2010 03:51 PM

Alvin Greene
You may have heard of this guy in the news recently. To recap, this totally random dude just won the democratic primary for U.S. Senate in South Carolina. He is unemployed, lives with his father, is charged with showing porn to a college girl, and did not make any single effort toward campaigning. If you ask him where he stands on the issues, he'll just tell you "jobs, education, and justice." Nobody really knows how the fuck he won, and a lot of people think he's mentally retarded.

Some videos:

YouTube Video
YouTube Video
Video: Alvin Greene Wins South Carolina Primary | The Daily Show | Comedy Central

I'm really intrigued by this guy because how the fuck did he do this?? I don't think he's a GOP plant -- It's not as if James DeMint was going to have much trouble against Victor Rawl, the defeated candidate. It really does just seem like the retard citizens of SC (sorry SC posters) decided they didn'y give a shit and voted for the better sounding name.

Anyway I'm just excited to see how this guy continues to campaign in the coming months. Though maybe he just won't campaign at all again, which would kind of disappoint me. :(

The Plane Is A Tiger Jun 21, 2010 04:37 PM

Are we still trying to make sense of South Carolina politics? It's more surprising that the first average Joe type of candidate to receive nomination in SC isn't an elderly white guy wearing a Confederate flag hat.

That interview just reminds me of how much I hate Don Lemon. He always comes across as a condescending dick, and he can't even perform a simple interview. Instead he spends several minutes asking the same question that the guy already said he wouldn't answer, and then another couple of minutes asking if Greene is currently impaired by anything.

i am good at jokes Jun 22, 2010 12:42 AM

I would like to say that this baffles me to no end, but I'm more baffled by the fact that this wasn't really baffling to me at all. I'm pretty sure you can attribute that to the current state of politics in the States though.

I bought a ticket for a baffle once, but that's another story.


I looked at a few of the interviews this guy has given in the last few weeks, and it was quite honestly refreshing to a certain extent.

Is he any better or worse in that respect to most other people who are vying for or occupying the same kind of position at the present moment? Not really, no.

Does he seem like he could handle being part of a body that is responsible for legislating a rather powerful and influential country while steering it in the right direction? Hell no.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Sep 10, 2010 05:15 AM

Maybe it's a sign that the age of getting elected simply by chucking a ton of money at the campaign is coming to an end in your country?

Or maybe it's the Mr Splashypants effect?

I suspect the second is the more likely of the two.

I poked it and it made a sad sound Sep 10, 2010 10:27 AM

Man, I'm sorry, that guy is a riot. There's no way he actually won 60% of the vote with that little money and effort.

Though, I mean, South Carolina. I'd like to see his opponent. I can't imagine s/he being much worse.

While we're on the topic of shenanigans, I heard about this a few days ago on my way home.

I have no idea what to make of all of this. Is this shit typical?? I've only been of voting age for a decade, and of that decade, I didn't always pay attention to midterm elections. Is this kind of bullshit normal, or are the Republicans really that desperate? Do they ever get away with this shit?

I mean, holy christ, how stupid can we be? It's like they're intentionally pushing the envelope on the stupidity factor to see just how much bullshit the voters will take.

I have faith he won't get much further than just getting on the ballot.

(That second interview is just AWFUL)

Magi Sep 30, 2010 05:51 PM

The fact that this isn't the only place this kind of shenanigans seen to be pull, the transparentness of the Arizona Republican behaves on this issue suggest this is more of a trend rather then an anomaly. Its as if they cannot see the impropriety of this kind of "political maneuver", but people I know here have been to caught up in the culture war too truely see that they are being taken for a ride by the sloganeering of the tea parties and nativist paranoia.

VitaminZinc Oct 11, 2010 02:18 AM

Totally voting for this guy!

Nah, I'm just kidding... I'm not even registered to vote~!

...Fuck this state. =\

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