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Such a Lust for Revenge! Nov 16, 2012 10:34 PM

Star Wars!
Holy shit! I'm so outrageously out of the loop but I just found out today that Lucas sold Star Wars to Disney and they'll be making episodes VII-IX and it's very possible that not only will the main characters (Luke, Leia and Han) return but that the actors that played those roles are willing to reprise their roles. I couldn't find a damned thread on this but it doesn't matter! I'm so pumped for this, I got into Star Wars late (1996) but I've been in love with that universe ever since... And no expanded universe bullshit!

Anyone else going ape shit for this?

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Nov 17, 2012 07:38 AM

Behave, they'll be the most dissapointing films ever. Think about how badly Lucas missed the mark with Episodes 1-3, then think about the last time Disney made an even semi-decent sci-fi film (Flight of the Navigator maybe?) and allow yourself to imagine what a huge steaming pile of turd episodes 7-9 are going to be.

Mark Hamil and Carrie Fisher will probably do it because they'll do pretty much anything for money these days but I wouldn't imagine Harrison Ford would touch it with a barge pole.

I would say it'll probably follow a couple of kids, both more annoyingly twee than Anakin in Episode 1, one boy and one girl. They'll go on a "wacky" journey and at some point the girl will do something all tough and the boy will say "Whoa" and look all Macaulay Culkin. There will be a perfectly even mix of black, white, hispanic and Chinese looking people in it, the bad guy will be Jewish and his henchman a camp Brit.

I'd love to be proved wrong but I can't see it happening.

Why Am I Allowed to Have Gray Paint Nov 17, 2012 09:03 AM

Waiting for the South Park episode where Lucas rapes the whole original cast of Star Wars.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 17, 2012 10:18 AM

The best thing that can be hoped for is that we get a proper BR release of the original, unfucked trilogy out of this.

Disney has done some mindblowingly fantastic transfers of their classics, lets hope they give these the treatment that buttfuck crazy Lucas decided not to.

Such a Lust for Revenge! Nov 17, 2012 10:19 AM

You cynical bastards. You've placed murky clouds over my sunny day.

Well, I'm just hoping that the removal of Lucas will ensure a better script, even if it is with Disney. I guess what's fueling me is the fanboyism, old characters revisited, and the desire to see some bad ass lightsaber duels. If they end up being on the level of Episode I and II then I'm in for a major heartbreak.

Dopefish Nov 17, 2012 10:23 AM

Cynics? On Gamingforce?


As usual, I'm in the middle. The original trilogy was great, and the prequels were nowhere near as good, so as much as I'm hoping new blood will improve things I have a feeling that these movies will play it safe at the very least. I have a feeling that one or more of Hamill, Fisher, and Ford will reprise their roles, but the main focus will be on a younger generation (both in the movie and among its target audience).

Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline. Nov 17, 2012 01:45 PM

Lucas had one good idea in his life that turned into a phenomenon, something that occurred only because other people took that good idea, honed it, and turned it into something remarkable. Other people made Star Wars great, Lucas only cashed in on it and took all creative credit.

Then, god-like Lucas made I - III. Nobody challanged his bad ideas. Nobody was willing to stick their necks out and say, "Well, this is a really shitty idea, George." Nobody had the guts, or rather, nobody had the desire to be fired. These movies hit theaters and subsequently ruined the franchise.

These new movies, however, will be interesting. Taking a step back, Lucas is only acting as creative consultant and, hopefully, will be put on a leash. As producer, he ruined Indiana Jones IV, but as creative consultant? I'm hoping the parent company will be brave enough to keep Lucas in check and let skilled writers, directors, and producers do what they do.

I'm not holding my breath, but I'll be happy to see something really cool, something like 2009 Star Trek, a new style and a new set of hands.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 17, 2012 05:31 PM

You had me up until 2009 Trek.

I hope you realize that was a fuck awful flick.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Nov 18, 2012 02:36 PM

It was still better than the majority of the other Star Trek films though.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 18, 2012 05:26 PM

Is a majority "two" now?

Vemp Nov 22, 2012 01:56 AM

I don't really care about the numbering. With Disney's deep pockets and vast resources, I'm pretty sure they can make a pretty good "revival" of this franchise. Whether old characters return or not, I'm more interested if the story they'll come up with will make sense.

I think it's still too early to tell if it's gonna be good or bad. But I'm pretty excited with what they will do with the franchise from this moment on.

Misogynyst Gynecologist Nov 22, 2012 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Vaginal Assault (Post 806631)
Lucas had one good idea in his life that turned into a phenomenon, something that occurred only because other people took that good idea, honed it, and turned it into something remarkable. Other people made Star Wars great, Lucas only cashed in on it and took all creative credit.

Then, god-like Lucas made I - III. Nobody challanged his bad ideas. Nobody was willing to stick their necks out and say, "Well, this is a really shitty idea, George." Nobody had the guts, or rather, nobody had the desire to be fired. These movies hit theaters and subsequently ruined the franchise.

These new movies, however, will be interesting. Taking a step back, Lucas is only acting as creative consultant and, hopefully, will be put on a leash. As producer, he ruined Indiana Jones IV, but as creative consultant? I'm hoping the parent company will be brave enough to keep Lucas in check and let skilled writers, directors, and producers do what they do.

I'm not holding my breath, but I'll be happy to see something really cool, something like 2009 Star Trek, a new style and a new set of hands.

It's like I found the source of every uninformed opinion on the Internet!

The prequels are certainly meh, by and large. They are not "rape my childhood" bullshit. That's just the Internet agreeing on something and frankly, Lucas could've made Citizen Kane and the Internet would still be disappointed because of dumb preconceived notions. "But there's no Z-95 Headhunters" the interest cries, wiping tears all over their Return Of The Jedi comforters.

I know you're being factious about Indiana Jones IV but it goes to say Lucas didn't do anything you suggested. Spielberg and the writer and Harrison Ford all walked in willingly to that film. Lucas produced. After he had final say on the script, he had no control over anything else and even then, Ford and Spielberg agreed to do that script so the blame is just as much theirs.

(And that 2009 Star Trek movie was a Star Trek movie in name only. If you liked that, you've pretty much surrendered to bad taste and dubious public opinion. One imagines that same person selling matches and bits of string on a street corner, patting their chest reflexively with a gimp arm if they enjoy the photoshop flares and bad writing on that trash.)

Lucas sold his company because, lets be honest, he has no reason not to after the way we, the public, treated him for over a decade. He may be a man out of touch with people, but he was pretty much making movies people wanted to see in 1979; the rest of us got cynical in the meanwhile.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Nov 23, 2012 02:31 PM

It also should never be forgotten that just putting lightsabers in something makes it three times better than the same thing without lightsabers. If John Carter had included lightsabers, it would have only been a slightly terrible film.

I challenge anyone to play Knights of the Old Republic and not spend 95% of the time taken walking from place to place pressing the Y button to spin your lightsaber around for no reason other than to hear the noise it makes.

niki Nov 25, 2012 03:50 PM

I'd be upset if the prequels were'nt for the most part a pile of steaming crap. I don't see how Disney could do worse, and I'm actually exited about the old cast rumours.

Maris Dec 1, 2012 05:25 PM

The problem with Starwars is the same problem with FinalFantasy: when you reach number 10 (X) and then number 11 (IX) it is not easy for not educatred people to see the numbers and follow the count (I, II, II is easy but X, IX, IXI is dificile for people which have not learned latin numbers in school time

InvestmentBankr Dec 2, 2012 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by Maris (Post 806904)
when you reach number 10 (X) and then number 11 (IX)

actually, 11 is XI


Originally Posted by Maris (Post 806904)
it is not easy for not educatred people

the correct spelling is educated


Originally Posted by Maris (Post 806904)
to see the numbers and follow the count (I, II, II is easy but X, IX, IXI is dificile for people which have not learned latin numbers in school time

12 is XII, not IXI.

the correct spelling is difficult, not dificile. if you meant the act of pooing, then the correct spelling is defecation (noun) or defecating (verb).

Maris Dec 2, 2012 01:11 PM

what is this???

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