Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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Locke Mar 6, 2006 09:50 AM

Ask a Pilot!
It's a ripoff, but I'm bored and feel like posting something. Besides - I'll enjoy answering the questions.

So has there ever been anything that has happened to you on a flight that you don't understand? Or somthing that's been bugging you about what pilot's do, but you never knew who to ask? Ask away, and I'll try to answer you as best as I can!

Diversion Mar 6, 2006 12:25 PM

Why do I get a bit a nervous asking a pilot something that has "Stoned" as his member title?

Eleo Mar 6, 2006 12:35 PM

I got a question. I've played Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. While flying looks like it takes a lot of concentration, can I theoretically get and keep a plane off the ground with the little knowledge that I've learned playing a video game about a nigga murdering his way to the top of the world?

russ Mar 6, 2006 12:36 PM

Don't worry, from what I understand, most pilots fly drunk, not high. OR DO THEY?

Locke Mar 6, 2006 12:48 PM

For all the pot I do smoke, I'm never high when I'm flying - or drunk for that matter.

And Legato - it's actually really easy to fly... it's doing it well that's the tough part (and getting the plane back on the ground again safely).

Eleo Mar 6, 2006 12:49 PM

Whatever son I'll just put on the parachute and bail~

Rock Mar 6, 2006 01:25 PM

Question: If an airplane I'm travelling in as a passenger gets kidnapped by terrorist doods and I decide to go kick their ass with a group of random guys and we succeed in beating the shit out of them and eventually kill/torture them, would it be possible for us to control the plane and safely land it, if the terror people have killed all the crew already?

Jiraiya Mar 6, 2006 02:53 PM

If you shoot a gun in an airplane with you get sucked out?

Spike Mar 6, 2006 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Jiraiya
If you shoot a gun in an airplane with you get sucked out?

Mythbusters says no.

Megalith Mar 6, 2006 05:20 PM

Is it possible to fly through the Megalith rocket launch facility using a hang glider.

XerxesTheMighty Mar 6, 2006 05:56 PM

Ok I got one for ya: Two planes are heading towards eachother, one going 300mph and the other going 220mph. This first plane going 300mph took off from Washington DC at 8pmEST, the second plane took off from Sacramento at 6pmPST. If they both fly in straight lines towards eachother, over what state and what time will they collide?

Real question: What planes have you flown? I myself want to join the Airforce and fly F22s...but that probably wont happen...at least the F22 part.

Locke Mar 6, 2006 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Rock
Question: If an airplane I'm travelling in as a passenger gets kidnapped by terrorist doods and I decide to go kick their ass with a group of random guys and we succeed in beating the shit out of them and eventually kill/torture them, would it be possible for us to control the plane and safely land it, if the terror people have killed all the crew already?

For sure - as I mentioned before keeping the plane in the air is super easy, it's quite natural, you pull back, and the nose raises, you push forward, and the nose goes down. Turning the column (or stick) to the left or right will roll you in that direction, and unless you know what you're doing - you might as well just leave the rudder pedals on the floor alone. Landing a large aircraft nowadays is simple, it's even possible for the autopilot (on an approved catagory III runway) to complete the entire landing phase, from descent to rollout with no human input.

Autopilots nowadays are linked to pretty much every system, GPS, navagation radio beacon recievers, INS, barometric and radar altitude, flux-valve for determining magnetic north, etc... It's incredible at the amount of automation in cockpits nowadays.


If you shoot a gun in an airplane with you get sucked out?
It's unlikley, but possible if you use a big enough gun, and hit the exact right (or wrong?) spot.

As for planes I've flown - I've flown two types, Cessna 172, and Beechcraft Bonanza. I've not flown anything larger yet, but I've had my systems courses on the CRJ-700.

The Beechcraft Bonanza

The Cessna 172S

Jeff135 Mar 6, 2006 06:23 PM

What is your most terrifying flying experience?

Locke Mar 6, 2006 06:36 PM

Oh - the first time I sat in the right-seat for 172 airwork. We were practicing stalls, and I've never sat in the right seat (pilot not flying) for airwork. While we were slowing down for the first stall (large nose-up attitude), I thought for sure we were going to start dropping backwards, and go into a tailspin.

Fortunatly, it wasn't that bad - the problem was just that I wasn't accustomed to not being in control during a stall - and it freaked me out :P I didn't do anything rash though, just rode it out - and had a huuge adrenaline rush :)

Double Post:
Odd - I don't know why the images above arn't showing up...

MeTaL_oRgY Mar 6, 2006 07:25 PM

What do you require to be a pilot? I have a cousin that tried and, believe me, he tried REALLY hard, but never got admitted... I believe it had something to do with a mental illness he has that prevents him from understanding why 2+2=4 (not stuff THAT stupid, but you get the idea.. he could do a multiplication, but just didn't understand the why of the result...).

Locke Mar 6, 2006 07:35 PM

It depends on where you are, and what you want to do. I'm enrolled in a college program that gets me a bachelor of applied technology, as well as a commercial multi-IFR license. (Commercial meaning I can make money through flying, multi meaning I can fly planes with more then one engine, and IFR meaning I can fly in bad weather).

To get into the course i'm in - I had to pass the high-level maths and physics classes they had in highschool. But to get your private license, just to fly around for fun - all you need is to go through the required amount of ground school, and then obtain the required amount of flight hours, and pass the required tests.

In Canada, to get your PPL you need:
40 hours groundschool

minimum 45 hours total flight time
-minimum of 17 with an instructor
-minimum of 12 solo (no instructor)
-minimum of 5 instrument

You also have to pass the PSTAR (air law test), and PPAE (Private License written exam), and a private license flight test.

Spike Mar 6, 2006 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Locke
It's unlikley, but possible if you use a big enough gun, and hit the exact right (or wrong?) spot.

I know you're a pilot and all, but I'm pretty sure that's false given that it's been tested and proven to be false. not to mention the fact that physics disagrees with that assumption. And tell us, what exactly do you mean by "the right/wrong spot."

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