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agreatguy6 Dec 21, 2007 10:46 PM

Feelings of Impending Doom
Dunno why, but I have the distinct feeling I'm gonna die within 6 months. Completely not worried about it. I mean, what's there to worry about? It's only death...

Anyone ever had this feeling?
I mean... is it just one of those feelings you get for no reason and it goes away on the day you're supposed to die, or do ppl who get this actually die?

Wanzer Radio Dec 23, 2007 01:33 PM

There are some people that said that they have experienced that feeling. But, it all depends on the person. People shouldn't fear death. ♥ : )

Bernard Black Dec 23, 2007 08:02 PM

I've had that feeling but I've worried about it. It's better you're not worrying though because that's one less strain on your body and therefore you're less likely to die. No one knows when they will though.

K_ Takahashi Dec 23, 2007 09:21 PM

basically based on luck, or in this case, the lacktherof because you dont know if some stupid fuck (random fuck on the street, drunk driver, ect.) could just never see the shit coming.

SpaceMonk Dec 24, 2007 12:10 AM

can you explain more? what exactly were you doing or thinking about when this feeling of death for yourself came up?

Vemp Dec 24, 2007 01:51 AM

You won't know how it feels because you haven't felt it yet.

I haven't met someone who knows how death feels. Except for the dead.

Infected Dec 26, 2007 03:57 PM

Ive never had the feeling that Im going to die but I have had the feeling that something bad is going to happen soon and the problem is,It always does :(

But yeah.....Death isn't something to fear. Now how you die is in my opinion.

agreatguy6 Dec 26, 2007 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by SpaceMonk (Post 556483)
can you explain more? what exactly were you doing or thinking about when this feeling of death for yourself came up?

well, it started when I was talking to a friend of mine. We were talking about college and next semester and it was more like a realization than anything else, I just thought to myself "yo, V! You're gonna die before the end of next semester!" "oh, ok, if that's how it's gonna be, w/e" "Yup :) and you know how right you are most of the time... blah blah blah." "sure, whatever. just live today and tomorrow will come to you eventually"

so yeah.
I mean... I really don't care. it's not like... an important factor of my life, it just determines how long it is, not WHAT it is.

kat Dec 26, 2007 04:55 PM

I think the closest I've gotten to feel what death is like is getting into a car crash. There's a split second where your mind goes "HOLY SHIT" and shuts down, and it's kind of dark and you think you're going to die. But then you wake up, find your car all fucked up and start feeling like shit that you messed up a brand new car.

Well for you, I think it's really just a feeling of mortality. Sure we can die at any time, for no good reason and under really random circumstances but there's not point in wondering when that's going to come.

agreatguy6 Dec 27, 2007 12:09 AM

yeah, I mean... I don't feel like I'm dying, I just feel that I'm GOING to die.
within a specific time frame, though, that's what's sort of troubling.
well... not really troubling, just... odd.

Bernard Black Dec 27, 2007 06:20 AM

Well, I thought I wouldn't last past this Christmas, and although my hangover is killing me, I'm still alive and well.

Minoko Jan 11, 2008 02:33 AM

I always have that feeling. So yeah I don't fear dying but..when I think about it when I'm close to sleep I sorta start to convulsing or something...Some kind of reaction to the thought. Have had it since I was a kid.
I've told my friend my thoughts before. They found it odd that I can't see myself alive the next week. I had a friend who told me to stop thinking about it but..its just that...I keep thinking like this so that if ever it does happen...I'm ready.

Forsety Jan 11, 2008 10:38 AM

I have seizures in my sleep, so everytime I go to sleep I risk biting my tongue so hard I won't ever wake up again. It's just not something I care to think deeply about, because it's apparently not in my control, since none of the medication I've been put on seems to help.

On the plus side it only seems to happen a few times a year, so most often I forget all about it until it randomly comes up again and I spend a week or so unable to eat solid food while my tongue heals itself up.

This last time I apparently almost choked to death on the blood/saliva because I was laying on my back. It really isn't *THAT* bad though, but it means living alone would be pretty risky, I guess. At least until they find a drug that actually works for me.

I'm not sure how relevant that was but it does lead to a lot of not so funny jokes about predicting when and how I'll probably die.

QuentinT Apr 14, 2008 09:05 PM

I use to worry about this alot. But i recommend reading eckard tools book the power of now, it basically tells you how to live in the present and not worry about the future or think in the past. By worring your gonna die thats worring about your future outcome, its not healthy thinking.

Here is the book on amazon.
Amazon.com: The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment: Eckhart Tolle: Books

Fernando Pando Apr 15, 2008 01:18 AM

Might as well start doing heroin then, right?

RacinReaver Apr 15, 2008 01:54 AM

That doesn't really do much to improve your "now" situation.

Fernando Pando Apr 15, 2008 02:56 PM

Satire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Josiah Apr 18, 2008 03:01 AM

I think the only times I can recall frequently having these feelings is with something less serious, like playing some FPS and seeing a live grenade drop at my feet.

Now real-life feelings of that sort, I think I'd only have if I was in a situation where I really thought it possible that I might not come out of it alive, like a car wreck like kat was talking about. I did have a fairly bad wreck a little less than a year ago, but I was luckily only a little battered and bruised from it. So at the time, the feelings spoken of passed quickly when I realized that not only was I alive, but alive and quite well.

Though maybe the 'impending doom' returned momentarily when I remembered that the car I totaled was my parents' car, not mine. :riiight:

The Wise Vivi Jul 3, 2008 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by agreatguy6 (Post 555594)
Dunno why, but I have the distinct feeling I'm gonna die within 6 months. Completely not worried about it. I mean, what's there to worry about? It's only death...

Anyone ever had this feeling?
I mean... is it just one of those feelings you get for no reason and it goes away on the day you're supposed to die, or do ppl who get this actually die?

You die?

agreatguy6 Jul 5, 2008 04:18 PM

nope ^__^
i got a shrink instead ;)
turns out, i have ADD D:
so i HAD pills.
and the feeling left.

butttt... apparently they make ppl that don't eat so often lose weight quicker >.>
so no more pills for me.
and... the feelings back.

but, sometimes a feeling is just a feeling.

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